
Fast Delivery

Shed Delivery

We deliver NZ wide! Our items are freighted by PBT/toll or Mainfreight where depots are located in Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Waikato, Hawkes Bay, Taranaki, Manawatu and Wellington in the North Island and Nelson, Canterbury, Otago and Southland in the South Island. You can either collect from your nearest freight depot or most of the time your product can be home delivered to your address. Please check each product individually or give us a call!We will make every effort to ensure your delivery is completed as close to the time we have confirmed, however, unforeseen traffic delays or adverse weather conditions out of our control may mean that your delivery is delayed. We will contact you as soon as possible if there are any delays.

We deliver our readysheds within 15km of central Christchurch.  Delivery outside of our set zones is something we are happy to do but may incur extra charges. Just get in contact with us to discuss.

Have a look at our FAQs and Terms and Conditions for more information on our garden sheds and installation.

*Reasonable access is defined as an area suitable for unloading the shed from the delivery vehicle and ground level entry to the property from the street. No lifts, no multiple flights of stairs and we require enough space for the shed to be unpacked and erected.

Get a Quote for Delivery

if you live outside Christchurch please get a quote.